Thursday, May 30, 2013

Roadside Inn

This is another scene I'm working on along with my Hero's Tomb. I want this to be stylized handpainted texture. A lot of things was changed from texture, models, and presentation. This is currently in Maya. I might put this either in UDK or Unity. Only color map will be used, and alpha map for foliages. I don't want to exceed a 2048 texture set. I can still optimize my texture by compiling my tileable texture to one file, like what I was doing before. Only recently that I learned how to add color and connect a channel to a material in Maya. Right now, the polycount is about 13500 or more.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hero's Tomb

I enjoy looking at architectures, from their ornaments, the geometry, to the structure. If only I have an architectural background. It might help me with my projects.

For this project, I want to tackle Gothic architecture. I was overcome with obstacles, such as modeling techniques and knowledge of their design. Using Maya, 3ds Max, Photoshop, and Zbrush, I wanted to be able to create their tracery.
I used 3ds Max to create the trefoil and quatrefoil using the Symmetry modifier. Despite the seemingly ordinary design, It took awhile since I was experimenting with boolean. I was using just the Line tool when I could have used the Torus or the Cylinder primitive.
I wanted to take it further and have some traceries on the side of the quatrefoil that's bound in a square. For me, this is where things got tricky real fast. They have some overlapping edges, negative spaces in between, their geometry requires some knowledge of their construction, and just where to start.
Even now, I still can't get the results I need. I used the programs I listed above, but I still can't model the traceries. The topology is just not working. There were a lot of geo to clean up. I used Photoshop to generate quick normal map. It worked in some way but I wanted to create an Ambient Occlusion and baking it in Maya is slow, but the results are worth it. Dark Souls did it well, especially in Anor Londo. Their traceries are beautiful. I saw the models in Turbosquid and they are awesome. Of course, David Lesperance's sculpting are truly to be behold.
 I reused some of the models to save time. I also plan to reuse my textures. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Things added: emissive on the walls. Played with post process. Tweaked ao settings, tone mapper, minor bloom and bur to add some "feel" to it. It got darker since i deleted couple of point lights but i'll bring them back.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Water shader

With the help from 3d motive's tutorial, i expanded it with using of course alpha clusters and manual panner to control the speed and direction of the water movement

Simple water mat

Many thanks to 3d motive's water tutorial. Though i still had to implement a lot of stuffs regarding clustered textures